4 Ways to Attract Wealth, Live Abundantly, and Improve Your Business

There is nothing wrong with pursuing our ambitions; it is our motivation as entrepreneurs. However, if we are frequently sidetracked by the thought that we need to get more wealth, we are conditioning our minds that our goal is something that we lack in our lives. If we are training our minds to think that we continuously lack money, we are not attracting wealth.

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Dan Mangena, a best-selling author, international speaker, master money manifestor, and the creator of the Beyond Intention Paradigm shares a few tips.

In order to attract wealth, you need to put things into perspective.

By being brutally honest with ourselves, we can begin to construct a picture of what success looks like and how we could go about achieving it. Ask yourself, you want to make money, but how much and for what reason? You want to be healthy, but how much weight do you want to lose and why?

So, how does living abundantly help you attract wealth rather than simply chasing it?

First, let us explore what we mean by abundance. I prefer to relate riches to nature – the world’s natural phenomena that never ends. Nature, when you think about it, is likewise unstoppable. Abundance, in essence, is an unstoppable force. It is, in the end, the natural order of things.

Living abundantly entails understanding how to attract success into your life and living from a position of wealth.

To live a life of abundance means to function from a position of growth rather than limitation. As the world continues to close in on us, feelings of doubt, guilt, and shame threaten to keep us from attaining our greatest potential.

For obvious reasons, living abundantly to attract money is easier said than done.

Much of it is related to the unconscious mind and accessing that all-powerful space within. Our ideas lead to decisions, and our choices lead to actions, the vast majority of which are made unconsciously.

By actively dealing with our quality of thinking and building a relationship on this level, we may begin to connect our unconscious mind with consciously desired outcomes.

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You can unleash that abundant life by breaking through those invisible boundaries using a four-step process.

Step 1: Acceptance

Accepting responsibility for one’s actions. First, we accept that we are the creators of our story. Everything that has transpired up to this point is the product of our conscious and unconscious choices.

Step 2: Clearance

The act of realizing that you can’t make honest decisions if you’re living in deceit. It is about becoming more present with ourselves in order to make choices that are powerful enough to affect actual change. Are you being honest with yourself right now?

Step 3: Gratitude

Recognizing that everything we encounter is the product of expectations. Feeling appreciative for something in advance may be a trigger for change since it is the most powerful expression of optimistic expectancy.

Step 4: Listen

the act of accepting the fact that we are all human. We reject the concept of perfectionism and accept that we will make mistakes from time to time. This simply facilitates growth. When we stray from our path, we must draw ourselves back with compassion and self-love so that we may keep moving forward.

When it comes to your entrepreneurial dream, slow and steady wins the race. If you’ve mastered that momentum, there’s no reason you can’t be prepared for life.

Sally Mae

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