8 Ways to Make Your Customers Happy

Customer service make or break a business. Keeping your customers happy and satisfied is crucial in keeping your business afloat.

Poor customer service can cost a company a lot. Aside from negatively affecting profits, bad customer service can result to a bad image for your company as well as lost clients.

Here are a number of ways to boost your customers’ happiness.


1. Ask your customers if they are satisfied.

You can ask your customers directly what’s working and not working in your business through direct questions or anonymous surveys. Keep in mind that businesses only get feedback from 4% of dissatisfied customers so it’s best that you get it straight from the horse’s mouth to fix issues.

2. Give useful resources.

Take advantage of your social media pages like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to introduce your brand properly and provide useful resources.

3. Get to know your customers on a personal level.

To build trust and rapport, take time to get to know your customer on a personal level. Invite them for a lunch out or parties in your house to take your customer relationship to the next level. Lastly, know their interest and use it to your business’ advantage.

4. Don’t disappoint them with your service.

Never ever promise a customer what you can’t deliver as this will leave them disappointed. Ensure effective communication between your production and sales team so you can meet your customer’s demand and expectation.

5. Inform them about big changes.

Are you moving to a new location or revamping the menu of your restaurant? Your customers deserve to know the big changes in your business and it is your duty to inform them about it as soon as possible.

6. Admit your mistakes.

Instead of hiding mistakes, be open to your customers about it. This will enable you to build your customer trust as it will show how resourceful your company is in correcting issues.

7. Handwritten notes go a long way.

Send your customers handwritten notes to show them how much you care and appreciate them. Do this on a regular basis.

8. Get inputs from your top customers.

Get your top clients involved by asking for their input on a potential product or service. Let them know you’ve implemented their feedback.

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